

Take this test!
You have a deeply-rooted desire to make peace in the world. Whether through subtle interactions with loved ones, or through getting involved in social causes, it is important to you to be able to influence the world in a positive way.

You have a deep respect for humankind. You care about the future of the world, even beyond your own involvement in it, and you inspire others to feel the same way. Your innate drive toward peace guides you in daily life towards decisions that are respectful toward yourself and others.

Your psyche is very rich; the more you learn about it, the more you will understand who you really are.


Jajajajaja... no manchen!!!!

Felicidades : Ricardo

Has obtenido una mayoría de respuestas del área ARTÍSTICA, lo cual indica que tienes preferencia por carreras como;

Artes Visuales
Diseño y Comunicación Visual
Diseño Gráfico
Educación Musical
Literatura Dramática y Teatro
Entre otras.
Te enviaremos a tu e-mail una copia de tu resultado.
Para obtener más información, consulta la página www.orientate.com.mx.

Tu segunda área de preferencia es:

Aqui esta otro, A quien le creo?

Se supone que debo tener 40 puntos, pero miren, no soy apto para ninguna!! jajaja


Turismo 2 = 39
Musica = 36
Nutricion = 34
Medicina = 33
Quimico Farmaco Biologo = 32
Ingeniero Agronomo = 31
Relaciones Familiares = 31
Desarrollo Humano y Psicologia = 30
Ciencias del Deporte = 30
Turismo = 29
Optometrista = 29
Literatura y Letras = 29
Diseño Grafico Publicitario = 28
Desarrollo Humano = 28
Diseño Grafico Publicitario 2 = 26
Ciencias Politicas = 26
Comercio = 25
Ingeniería en Electronica = 25
Licenciado en Contaduria = 22
Ingeniería en Sistemas 2 = 22
Ingeniería en Sistemas = 20
Ingeniería Industrial = 18

Estudiar de nuevo...

Y que me lanzo a hacer un test de vocacion... ehh, que tal los resultados?

Estas son las tres carreras que mas se adecuan a tu perfil profesional.

Ingeniería de Medio Ambiente
Administración de Empresas



Take this test!
People who have White as their brightest color of their aura most likely have a clear spiritual purpose. Thus, their ideal job would involve something that allows them to fulfill this purpose and remain connected to the greater forces in life. They would not likely be satisfied working a job that compromised their integrity or kept them from doing what they feel they're in this life to do.

In their love lives, they likely seek a soul mate — someone who also is equally connected to divine forces and who is able to connect with them on a profound spiritual level. They're likely open to receiving the energy of their partner, and when aptly paired their romantic partnership can provide them with a physical manifestation of divine energy. They feel nourished by a connection to that which is greater than them, and this is a boundless source of energy that will never fail them.